Tuesday 26 March 2013



 'Whatever... God understands you can't do that every day. I'm busy, I don't have time to do everything as it is. I already believe in Jesus. And I've already heard 'the gospel". Anyway, I read those Word4Us, so get off my case!'

This might be the case if we were talking about any other book ever written, but the difference is that the Bible is alive and powerful, because God is behind it! It's more than good advice. If you take it seriously and apply it to your life, you will end up happy - not a simple happiness dependant on what sort of a day you're having, but a happiness that's rooted deep in your soul.

God won't love you more because you read the Bible more, but you'll enjoy the benefits of it when you do. It's one way that God personally communicates with you. If you just talked at someone but never listened to what they said, you wouldn't get to know them. And getting to know God through reading His message, is part of what can make you like Him.

If you're just living off a diet of Word 4U 2Day sandwiches all the time, you won't get to know the taste of the best bit: the filling. Notes, talks and spiritual books are meant to help, but they all take second place. They rotate and centre around God's Word like planets around a sun. If this all sounds a bit heavy and dry, keep reading over the next few days as we keep looking at why the Bible's more than worth it.

What now?

What times in the day and for how long do you read the Bible? Think about how helpful it is to your relationship with God. What changes do you need to make?

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